Welcome to the Universal Mom® movement where you can make this a better world…
one child at a time!
Universal Mom®: Have You Been Touched? programs use the art of writing to help uncover the Brilliance, Talents, Gifts and Voice of children and teens worldwide! These programs are called The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children and Teens…that help to increase their self-esteem and confidence.
Universal Mom® mentors support and guide children and teens in discovering the hidden pieces of themselves that hold the keys to their self-mastery and overall well-being.
How this all started…
I am intrigued by human behavior and why people do what they did ever since I was a little girl, watching my mom go from happy to sad within minutes. My mom and dad lived through the horrors of Nazi Germany and my mom was on the experimental table with the doctor that did genital experimentation on women in Auschwitz, the concentration camp where she lived…or rather, suffered in for over four years!
- I became an excellent listener at a very young age
- I learned to pick up on the slightest of emotional cues coming from others
- I started psychology classes at the age of 16, having graduated from High School early, and I have been taking some form of behavior motivation, conscious living and soul-centered learning every since!
- I have always had so much to say…in fact, my parents shared with me that I walked and talked in my sleep when I was very young. As an adult, I started writing essays, books, proposals, articles and speaking internationally….anything that allowed me to integrate my observations, curiosity, experiences and analytical mind!
- I am now experimenting with my poetry and converting them into songs that I will be singing…how fun is that?
- To learn everything I could about human behavior, I received my first advanced degree in Psychology, started a family, became certified in psycho-drama, taught assertiveness training to parents, interned and worked under the auspices of psychiatrists and a volunteered as a college intern at a medium security prison to inmates on assertiveness training and taught two college psychology classes by the time I was 25.
- The biggest upshot of all of this training, learning and experiential work centered around the insight that living a life made with life-serving choices increased a person’s self-esteem and, how they felt about themselves. My sense was then, as it is now, that everything starts in the mind…our observations and the interpretations we place on these observations!
- My experience led me to the foundational belief that Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence are the two critical pieces as to what motivates people to do what they do, say what they say and act the way they do.
- The next stop for me was pure synchronicity…this led me to finding a “missing link” I felt always existed and didn’t know what that missing puzzle piece was until I started my studies in Spiritual Psychology. There I found the missing link that our thoughts create the internal and external world we live in. And, going to the source of beliefs was very helpful in making choices that increased a child’s self-esteem and confidence!
I have been involved with children and teens for decades…
Just a few examples are…
- I taught parenting skills at a junior college while I was working on my first Master’s Degree in Psychology
- I raised three beautiful human beings who I would want to be my friends, even if they weren’t my own children.
- I created and facilitated a class at a Private School during a “free” elective time. There were no electives I thought engaged my children’s smarts, creativity and fun….so, I asked the principal if she could create a drama class and she said, “Not unless you want to lead it.” And, the Carden School Drama elective was born! Twenty- five students later, we wrote a musical called GREECE…based on the story line and music of GREASE…we ended up performing the musical at a local theater, complete with backdrop, music and props. The theater even opened their food counter for the evening and it became an income-generating event for the theater and a huge self-esteem event for the students!WE even had costumes we created! The performance was completely sold out and the children received a standing ovation from the crowd…we were asked to repeat the performance a few weeks later…at the theater!!!
- I have been asked to speak at the Ford Dimension comprised of high school seniors at the top of their game; good grades, active in sports, active in social programs at school and all-around leaders. There are only two speakers that have been asked back to speak in the last fifteen years consistently…and I am honored to say that I am one of the two.
- Parents, friends and colleagues have been asking me parenting questions to help them with their children for years, most recently a psychologist who was having a very difficult time with her two twenty-something girls.
Why is this Universal Mom® Movement so important?
Your Children Were Born to Live Happy,
Healthy, and Positive Lives
Did you know?
- Teen mothers are less likely to graduate high school?
- The cost of teen pregnancy is about $7 billion annually in lost tax revenue, welfare and healthcare.
- Bullying is one of the leading causes of child and teen suicide.
- Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for kids.
- Nearly 44% of the youth population has tried smoking by the 8th grade.
- Depression rates are at an all-time high among children and teens.
If those statistics scare you, you are not alone.
There is a beautiful and loving antidote to all of this… the Universal Mom® Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs where children and teens, through the act of writing, are able to uncover their brilliance, talents, gifts and voice.
These 8-week, two-hour sessions are called The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children and Teens.

- More effective communication
- Higher level of self-esteem
- Increased self-confidence
- Encourages connectedness with self, family and peers
- Lower levels of anxiety and stress
- Identifying and trusting in their own internal GPS system
- The power of personal responsibility
- Building healthy self-esteem and healthy self-confidence
- Honoring the value of their gifts and talents and those of others
- How to value differences
“Your remarks and impact on these kids is a gift for a lifetime.”
Mikie Hay
President, Ford Dimension
“Since I was able to hear you speak, I have been changing the way I handle my stress.”
Thank you so much for coming to speak at our Ford Dimension/Dream Builders meeting. I learned a lot from your tips and advice that you had to give. Since I was able to hear you speak, I have been changing the way I handle my stress. I have been working on staying off of Facebook more during the day and have changed my eating habits by eating healthier. Your advice has helped me to get more sleep and be able to be more energized throughout the day. I’m so thankful I was able to listen to you and I’m very appreciative that you were able to visit us.
Thank you, and I hope you are having a great week!
High School Senior
“Thanks again for speaking with us and for all of your help and advice!”
Thanks to you i am finishing up college apps faster and staying more attentive in my morning classes all because of a peanut butter and banana sandwich in the morning and a little less facebook browsing at night. Thanks again for speaking with us and for all of your help and advice!
High School Senior
More Benefits Include:
- Set intentions of their goals
- A new appreciation for the gift of writing
- Feel seen…feel heard…feel validated
- Learn how to ask “How can I serve?” using their gifts and talents
- How to go from “victim” to co-creator
- Authentic productivity
- Time Management skills
- Personal Responsibility
- Options for healthy choices
- Healthy boundaries
- Increased healthy communication
- Lowering levels of anxiety and stress
- Not tolerating bullying for themselves or for others
The Universal Mom® Program encourages heart connections. We will help assist and guide your child in discovering the hidden pieces of themselves that hold the keys to their self-esteem and overall well-being.
Writing has often been viewed as “the language of the soul.” It is through writing exercises that kids and young children can learn to tap into the gifts they already have and even discover some that they didn’t know were there. From there, children learn to listen to their natural DGS…Divine Guidance System.

We operate under 3 primary rules which include:
- (1) “Judgment Free” Zone
- (2) We celebrate one another’s writings.
- (3) We respect and honor confidentiality 100% of the time.
“This advice will surely help me throughout this school year and going into college.”
You have provided me with some helpful information about time management, eating the right food, and getting enough sleep. This advice will surely help me throughout this school year and going into college.
High School Senior
“I feel like if I had known this information last year, then I would have been way less stressed.”
Thank you so much for speaking with us last night, it was truly an eye opening experience! I feel like if I had known this information last year, then I would have been way less stressed. I found myself saying, “Its not that I don’t have time, I just know I won’t have the energy to do so much today.” Just talking to myself like this helped me not stress out as much! Now my goal is to work on the 8-9 hours of sleep, which will definitely be a challenge!
Ridgeview High School Senior
Your advice really made me rethink. We at first think we have things under control, but you have a very good angle at making us remember to maintain our health as well
Thanks again!
High School Senior
“…I will be able model my day after the goal or intention I set for myself and hopefully help the day to become more enjoyable.”
I have always heard how breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how teens need sleep, and all that jazz, but I never realized how essential those two things are to being successful. I will definately try to sleep more and eat a healthier breakfast so I can operate at my maximun potential during my school day. I will also try to set and intention or goal for the day. That way I will be able model my day after the goal or intention I set for myself and hopefully help the day to become more enjoyable. Thank you again for coming and speaking and have an excellent week.
High School Senior
What parents should know about the Universal Mom® Program:
The Universal Mom® program is an opportunity for children to open up to their hidden treasures of love, compassion, trust, non-judgment, joy and happiness while exploring their natural gifts and talents that may or may not be aware of.
Children and teens are able to do this exploration through the art of writing. Universal Moms® help in supporting and guiding children and teens to discover the parts inside of them that may be hidden because of former misinterpretations, misunderstanding or misidentifications that may center around limiting beliefs in themselves.
The children and teens are given an opportunity to do their self-exploration through fun activities centered around writing…the “art of the soul” as I like to refer to it.
Once children and teens unfold new gifts and talents that they inherently have, they are able to tap into their own inner guidance system.
Children and teens learn their soul mission at an early age, so they naturally take action, creating more value and contribution to the world…with their unique “soul print.”
I really appreciated your insights, and I cannot wait to see them start to work in my life. Thank you again, I loved listening to you speak!
High School Senior
“…the piece I most appreciated was that our intentions should ALWAYS come from our hearts.”
The advice that you shared about saving ones energy and utilizing better nutrition, essential sleep, and positive thinking has already allowed me to make changes in my daily schedule to help ease the stress my rigorous AP classes have on me. The very first step I have taken on my new path toward greater energy, is changing my breakfast meals. Today i am proud to say that I ate two hard-boiled eggs and a piece of peanut butter toast, and amazingly experienced one of my most energetic days in my high school career. I know that with the knowledge you shared at the meeting, my peers and I will able to achieve the fullest extent of our dreams.
All the information was excellent, but the piece I most appreciated was that our intentions should ALWAYS come from our hearts. That makes us honest people, which I value a lot.
Thanks again,
Lauren Cline
The Ford Dimension
“I am very grateful for your tips.”
I learned an immense amount of helpful information that will greatly influence my daily routine. Actually, I started the 20 minute power naps and let me just say, the naps are extremely helpful to get through the day! I am very grateful for your tips.
Thank you again!
High School Senior
Each of our Universal Moms® are certified…they go through a four-month program learning positive parenting skills, the psychology of learning principles, heart-centered principles, and weekly lesson plans for the 8-week program.
Here is a partial list of what Universal Moms® do in the writing programs:
Universal Mom®…helps motivate children and teens to become more self-confident in their own abilities and strengths.
Universal Mom®…They will learn how powerful a loving consciousness can be for themselves as well as others. They will learn how to tap their resourcefulness and resources to “find” the answers that are right for them.
Universal Mom®…Supports children in identifying their own power and the strength of power over force.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
Universal Mom®…assists in identifying healthy boundaries and respect for themselves as well as others. They will learn what their present “default thinking” is and learn to create a new default belief system that is life-serving for them, rather than self-defeating.
Universal Mom®…These programs allow the students to really understand personal responsibility… a healthy sense of personal integrity and how to hold themselves accountable and personally powerful.
Universal Mom®…These Universal Mom® programs support the students in not putting up with peer bullying any longer, as the bullee or as the bullor…there is no need any longer for this type of behavior as compassion, acceptance, and tolerance replace judgment and fear of intolerance and misunderstanding!
Universal Mom®…These new transformative life skills easily transfer from personhood to school to home to all relationships moving forward!!!
Universal Mom®…helps students to keep an open, clear pathway between their hearts and their souls.
“I know that I will carry on your tips through the rest of my senior year…”
I really appreciated your tips about time management, being that now more than ever before I have more things to handle. I know that I will carry on your tips through the rest of my senior year, as well as through college and beyond.
Thanks again,
High School Senior
“I noticed that through out the day my focus was better and I was more alert…”
During this week I put some of the knowledge you gave us into action. I started doing a water polo/ swim work out in the mornings. I noticed that through out the day my focus was better and I was more alert in comparison to going to an afternoon work out. I appreciate the knowledge you shared with us.
High School Senior
“I really appreciate that you drew my attention back to…what i need to do to make sure I stay healthy.”
As a very rigorous academic student, I often forget about my health because I am so focused on doing well in school. I really appreciate that you drew my attention back to the rest of my life, and what i need to do to make sure I stay healthy.
Thank you for your time!
High School Senior
In these Universal Mom® classes, children and teens are focused on:

- How to build healthy and foundational self-esteem
- How to value their gifts and talents and those of others
- Value how beautiful our differences are and how similar we all are at the same time.
- How to value differences and at the same time, see how similar we all are
- Write down their biggest “a ha” each week of the class in their journals
- Weekly intentions of their goals for that week

We reiterate the Three Universal Mom® Rules of Compassion…
- (1) “Judgment Free” Zone
- (2) We celebrate other’s writings
- (3) We respect and honor confidentiality 100%
The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Programs for Children and Teens
8-week programs
2-hour sessions
$597 per child
Age groups:
We’d love for you to join our “family” of heart-centered Universal Mom® programs, The Writer’s Authentic Empowerment Program for children and teens.
Pay In Full Option
Includes a one time non-refundable deposit of $197
2-Pay Option
One time non-refundable deposit of $197 & two payments of $337